Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The last terrarium I made was enclosed and didn't hold up very well, most likely because I hadn't given my mom the proper instructions to maintain it (sorry, Mom!). This time I created a desert terrarium for my good friend Jess, a lover of succulents and a native Arizonian. I imagine it will thrive well considering it requires very little attention, just full sun and a little water from time to time.

I've had this terrarium sitting on my kitchen table for a few days and have become really attached to it. Luckily it was fairly easy to make and I have enough leftover supplies to make another.

Note: Petco wound up being a great place to find gravel and sand (used for small pet cages & aquariums). After experimenting though I decided to use sheet moss as the ground cover instead.


  1. So pretty - I love the succulents you chose too.

  2. I loved my terrarium and I would love to have another one but this time I think I need the instructions to keep it going. Glad to know the supplies are easy to find!

